Wednesday, May 19, 2010

this 'n' that

Fox is developing a Napoleon Dynamite cartoon. This has the potential to be either very funny or incredibly lame. The good news is that Jon Heder is on board to do the voice, so that's at least one check mark in the 'not lame' column (courtesy of Michelle).


I get tired of people calling Led Zeppelin a heavy metal band. There were so many more dimensions to the band then simply bone-crunching riffs and wailed vocals. However, they did those two things better than pretty much anybody else as well! Valhalla, I am coming...


A good friend of mine just bought her first house (and a lovely house it is!) and as we were all gathered around eating some pizza after moving all of her stuff in, another friend of ours recited a Celtic prayer to bless the house. It was a very moving moment and she was very emotional. I am part of a wonderful community of people...


Another close friend recently asked me "what motivates you, like, what makes you want to live well?" I could have given some pretty cliched answers about God and my faith (all of which would be true), but instead I sat and pondered hard for a minute or so. The best response I could give flows out of my faith and gratitude toward God for His gifts, which was essentially this: my relationships. The people for whom I'm a huge part of their world. Those whom I love most and want to support. Why I desire to live well has virtually nothing to do with accomplishment or ambition--if it came down to it, I believe I'd sacrifice any of my own dreams or desires to ensure that the dreams of my loved ones are realized. I'm next to nothing without them and I know it.


Jimmy the K posted this quote from a guy named James Shelley on his blog and it really made me think:

"Part of the cure for over-consumption is to become more materialistic. That is, if you want to stop consuming more and more, you need to appreciate the goods that you already have. Cherish things. Reuse things. Love your stuff."

I really liked that and found it interesting. I would even add 'share things', thought that's not always easy to least for me. Thoughts?


There are obviously some people who are not huge fans of Bono's humanitarian work on behalf of Africa.


Andy and Jennie-Lynne (my best friend and his wife, for those of you who don't know) downloaded the free Fart Sounds application for his new iPhone and I've got to say, the three of us love it. Yes, I know, I'm so juvenile, I'll never grow up, blah blah blah....


Just because you have to accept something doesn't mean you have to like it or agree with it.


When she moved, my friend gave Caitlin and I silicone muffin pans and they make the best muffins ever! Seriously, we'll never go back to using tins again!

Well, if that blog post wasn't a study in complete randomness, I don't know what is!

1 comment:

Megan said...

A quote that I love along the same lines:

“It’s easier to learn to do without some of the things that money can buy, than to earn the money to buy them” – Dolly Freed