Saturday, August 09, 2008

thoughts on Ryan and Laura

As many of you know, my nephew was born on Thursday afternoon while I was busy crazily rushing back from a conference in Vancouver. I finally got to see him yesterday evening after work and it was really an indescribable feeling--he was so beautiful and was sleeping peacefully when I held him for the first time. I am so excited to be an uncle and I could not be more stoked to see this little man grow up and to be part of his life. It was also really wonderful to see Caitlin holding him and kissing his little head, though it did not make us want to have our own sooner (and believe me, many people jumped on asking us that question!). Caitlin and I are really content to enjoy Ryan for the next two or three years before we think about having our own--he's going to be one spoiled little nephew!

I also was so proud of my sister and I just wanted to be close by her after knowing that she'd been through a pretty tough labour (I'll spare you all the details). It's funny how I still have those protective big brother feelings for her, even as she is a new mother. Eventually, I went over, sat on the bed, and snuggled up to her as we chatted quietly, just like we've done more frequently as we've gotten older. Though I said nothing to her at the time, memories of her as a little girl and our childhood together were running through my head and I had a hard time biting back the tears. I'm such a wuss...

I am shocked at how quickly life has passed--one day Laura and I were little kids playing and fighting (a lot!), and now she's a beautiful young woman and a mother. I'm still a juvenile deliquent (though with two university degrees, who'd have thunk!?), but one thing that hasn't changed is that I love my sister and I have never been more proud of her! Congrats to Laura and Curtis on the birth of Ryan Matthew Thiessen!

1 comment:

AJ Renton said...

1) You just made me cry. I'm a wuss too. It's good to have great company.

2) You said 'Who'd have thunk' - who'd you get that line from? :)

3) Ryan is extremely cute and was an angel for me to hold too. I'm so excited to have my own and to add another nephew to your family.

4) Seriously though... you guys wanna have one. Just admit it ;)