Sunday, March 07, 2010

10 more random facts

This is a follow-up, long in draft mode, to this post from about a year and a half ago. Here are some more seemingly random facts about me:

1. I am right-handed, but left-footed. According to research this is reasonably common, but I am the only person I know who displays this little quirk.

2. I am obsessed with trivia and random facts/subjects of all kinds. Combined with my crazy long-term memory, it helps both in my librarianing and in Trivial Pursuit. I wish library patrons would ask me more questions about stuff I am interested in/know a lot about. Hasn't really happened yet...

3. People think my middle name is Danger, but it's actually Paul. Common mistake.

4. I don't particularly enjoy eating most fruits--I have a real struggle with textures and that includes almost all fruits. Many of them taste good, but the mode of delivery makes consumption difficult. The fruit chunks in yogurt used to make me retch into the garbage cans when I was a little boy in elementary school.

5. I've never dyed my hair. If I did, I'd be like Sampson and lose all my strength. Or in my case my awesomeness.

6. I carry my slippers almost everywhere with me, like, to people's houses. I like to be comfortable and to preserve my socks. Yes, it's weird, but that's me.

7. I totally loathe Celine Dion and think she's the Antichrist. Oh wait, you already knew that...

8. I have no known allergies. I always say I'm allergic to raisins because I hate them so much.

9. I grew up with a mother who is a dog obedience trainer yet I own a cat and have no desire to own a dog, even though I like dogs. What went wrong there?

10. I am fascinated by by words and wordplay. I regularly look things up in the dictionary and have a thesaurus at the ready when I'm writing. Nerdy? Yeah, kinda.


Eric said...

So.... what do you know a lot about/ what are you interested in? I'm curious as to what you would answer. I assume the answer wouldn't be, a)The Dewey Decimal system; b) The Olympics; or, C) Celine Dion...

The Renegade Librarian said...

I'm not terribly interested in any of those, but admittedly I likely know the most about A. Actually, DDC is more interesting than you'd expect. Melvil Dewey was quite a man...

Eric said...

Like I said, I assumed you weren't real interested in any of those. So... still waiting to hear what you ARE interested in, what you would tell the interested library patron.