Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday odds 'n' ends

It's Ash Wednesday today and what a stunning day it is here in Victoria--the sky is a piercing blue, the sun is shining, and there is not a cloud in the sky. Sadly, I'm observing this all from my office on my dinner break as I plow through my customary Wednesday 1:00-9:00 shift. I haven't posted much of consequence lately, so I thought I'd do one of my customary 'many different things' posts since my readers love them oh so much...


I have decided that I am giving up taco chips and salsa for Lent. I realize this might sound ridiculous at first glance, but anyone who knows me well will tell you that I love my chips and salsa and the rare time I do snack between meals, it's my go-to. I also eat it as a quasi-appetizer when I'm cooking or helping Caitlin make dinner ('helping', in this case, often means standing around talking incessantly and filling her in on the mundane happenings in my day while she does the work). When I told Caitlin that this was going to be my sacrifice for Lent, she was mightily impressed; generally, I don't have particularly strong food attachments, but chips and salsa is one of my strongest, probably second after my morning tea.


I recently acquired a copy of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves as part of my birthday present from my wife and we watched it a couple nights ago. Wow, did it bring back memories: Kevin Costner's mullet (and poor acting), Morgan Freeman's atrocious Moorish accent, Alan Rickman's genius as the Sheriff of Nottingham (he definitely stole the show), the epic soundtrack, and the lovely cinematography. I have a real soft spot for this movie and even if my film critic friends think it is lame, I'm cool with that. I sure enjoyed it as it had been years since the last time I saw it! Thanks, Caitlin!


I was recently accused of being anti-Olympics due to supposed bitterness at my lack of athletic prowess growing up. I recall being a pretty decent athlete growing up, though I was never going to the Olympics, granted. So, we can count that theory as bunk. Does anyone else have a theory?


Albums I've been enjoying lately:

Bodies and Minds--Great Lake Swimmers
A Ghost Is Born and Wilco (the album)--Wilco
Impossible Dream--Patty Griffin
Essence--Lucinda Williams


Right now I'm reading C.S. Lewis' The Four Loves and I'm finding it extremely interesting. I thought I had read it previously, but now I'm pretty sure that I purchased it (in 2004) and then forgot all about it. As is always the case with Lewis, it is a fascinating read. I'm sure I'll have more thoughts to post on this book in the coming weeks...


I'm working at spending more time reading/in study because I feel this has been a real gap in my life over the last year or so. I've got a great reading list and many things on my mind that I'm processing. I hope it yields some good upcoming posts and conversations with people.


I like Google Buzz, I think it's pretty cool. There has been a real outcry over privacy issues and it's rumoured that Canada's Privacy Commissioner is going to be investigating it. That's too bad.


Things at which I have discovered I excel:
  • spilling things on myself (tea being a prime example)
  • paranoia about completely random things
  • dispensing unsolicited advice
  • not displaying wisdom through the closing of my mouth at key times
  • juvenility (fart/poo jokes, stupid dances, etc.)
  • becoming extremely emotional at the drop of a hat

I love Cadbury Mini-Eggs. Passionately. I'm going to eat some tonight in my office with my de-caf tea as I do my work. It's what I'm most looking forward to about my evening.

Well, that's all from me for now--time to head back to the salt mines here! I hope this post finds all of my loyal readers well!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I *Love* Robin Hood: Prince of Theives, I have a copy that has been watched more than once.

I'm not really feeling the new Robin Hood trailers, basically if it doesn't involve Bryan Adams, Professor Snape & Christen Slater, I'm not buying into it.

I heard a rumour that you were a fan of this whole 'Buzz' thing...