Saturday, December 26, 2009

T.S. Spivet

I am one third of the way through The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet, by Reif Larsen, and it is already up there among the most beautiful and best-written novels I have ever encountered. Seldom does a work of fiction get me so excited that I begin tossing out recommendations before I have even finished reading it, but such is the case here! Beautifully illustrated with a captivating story to boot, each page turned is a new discovery for me: humour, sadness, and many instances of truly poignant prose are scattered throughout this novel's pages. If you have not already, I highly recommend you check it out!


AJ Renton said...

Sorry, not interested in Spivet at all. A book that's good just for it's writing isn't interesting to me. I think Larsen is just a big Douche.

Take that!

The Renegade Librarian said...

So, what you're telling me here is that you're still sore that I'm not particularly interested in 'Avatar', correct? I see...

Caitlin and I saw previews for 'Avatar' and just thought "meh, looks kinda dumb." Glad YOU liked it though. That being said, you're also the one that thinks 'She's All That' is a cinematic masterpiece. Just goes to show you that the old maxim is true: there's just no accounting for some tastes...

AJ Renton said...

I'd say my taste shouldn't be in question when you're the one quoting Maxim. Nice high end reading there eh Matt?

The Renegade Librarian said...

If you ACTUALLY think I'm quoting Maxim the magazine, you've got some real problems:

MAXIM: 1. an expression of a general truth or principle, especially an aphoristic or sententious one. 2. a principle or rule of conduct.

I hope we're all clear on that.