The poster below, courtesy of my wife, had me in stitches (FYI: 'zeit' is German for 'time'):

Oh, MC Hammer, you being the butt of jokes will never stop being amusing to me...
I went to the Tragically Hip's first of two Victoria shows this past week and it was, as usual, excellent. There was no opening band and so the band played an opening 11-song set, had an intermission, a second set of 12 songs, and then a two song encore! The opening three songs were acoustic versions of "Courage" (slowed right down with lap slide guitar by Rob Baker!), "Thompson Girl" (I just about died--one of my very favourite Hip songs ever) and "Wheat Kings". We had fifth row tickets on the floor, stage right--sweet!
A couple shots of El Gordo from the show at the arena here in Victoria:

It just confirmed for me and Caitlin that when it comes to Canadian music legends, In Gord We Trust!
Other than listening to a lot of The Hip lately, Neko Case's Middle Cyclone and The Jayhawks' Sound Of Lies (the song "Bottomless Cup" has been slaying me--I literally tear up when I listen to it, it gets me so emotional) have been making a lot of appearances in the disc player at Casa del Bingham. Also, I've been re-falling in love with Ray LaMontagne's Till The Sun Turns Black and Sarah McLachlan's Fumbling Towards Ecstasy--two brilliant albums. Sarah McLachlan used to be so much more musically interesting than she is now, don't you think?
I just about had my driver's side door torn right off in my carport. I didn't put the e-brake up, left the car in neutral with the driver's door open and the car began to roll backwards. The door caught on the steel support pole for the balcony and it popped the hinges, bent the door and the fender--it's a total mess. I got a quote for the damage: $2000. There moral of the story: don't be like me.
Things that have been driving me nuts lately: ironing shirts, driving in Victoria (lucky to still be alive, folks), Facebook quizzes (a funny Tweet I recently saw: Hate. Facebook quizzes. I don't care what kind of wizard/director/beverage you are!!--I concur).
Michelle's wishes and out-of-context text had me laughing pretty hard when I read them so I thought I'd share them with you, my readers. Michelle is one of those people who is just always funny, even when she's not trying. I hadn't read her blog (or anyone else's) for ages and it was nice to catch up with her witty neuroticism and observations as she navigates the perils of academic librarianship, the Ottawa transit system, and boiling hot apartments.
I am reading The Neddiad and it's been hilarious so far. Sometimes it's great to pick up a well-written piece of children's literature and I am going to be making more of a habit of delving into kids' books. Thanks for the recommendation, Malcolm!
I hope my seven readers enjoy their Friday and their weekend!
Nothing to say about Michael Jackson?
Michael Lambert
Everyone likes to complain abotu Ottawa's transit system. I don;t see why... it's one of the best (non-mega) transit systems in Canadian Cities. There's no trains or subs, but the buses are unbelievably reliable. The only major beef is the strike that happened earlier in the year.
But seriously, I liked to complain about it until I moved away and I realized just how lucky I was in Otown.
having no door wouldn't have been that bad for the summer. plenty of air flow. you'd be like those guys who take the doors off their jeeps.
so the other day my boss comes into work and tells me that he wont be in that afternoon.
I say "why? going golfing"
he says "Yeah. With the Hip"
no word of a lie. he spent a good four hours on the links with El Gordo and the rest. and a few hours after with some rounds at the club house...
I should have sent you up to Royal Victoria with an urgent message for him or something...
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