Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Jesus Camp revisited

A couple years ago I posted about the movie Jesus Camp and my initial thoughts on it, though at that time I had yet to see the film. Well, I finally got around to watching it with Caitlin recently and it disturbed me as much or more than I thought it would. Rather than get into a big slam-fest or political argument, what I'll say is that the right wing, Moral Majority brand of the Christian faith bears little or no resemblance to what I understand of Christ and how he lived. When I was watching the film, I thought "where is the compassion, or peace, or loving people like Christ loved people?" What I saw was an agenda, extreme emotional manipulation, judgment, and a political zeal that bordered on maniacal. When you see children stretching out their hands to pray over a life-sized cardboard cutout of then-President George W. Bush, whom the fundamentalist right thought of as some holy man, something isn't right as far as I'm concerned. I can appreciate people having convictions, but I struggled with the actions being taken as a result of of those convictions. Attempting to raise up an "Army of God" using naive children who are not yet old enough to truly understand, in many cases, what they are 'signing up for', is just wrong in my opinion. Plus, forcing 8-12 year olds to make decisions (if you can call it that, I call it brainwashing) on abortion as well as other moral/ethical and political issues robs them of their innocence, forcing them to grow up too fast; after some of what I have experienced working with kids, this makes me really angry.

That's my two cents on this for now...


DP said...

You know I am still reluctant to see the movie. I feel like it would hurt me more than I would benefit from it.

It's frightening to see what
"evangelical" has come to mean these days is it not? I mean. We at LPC are evangelical. but we're not THAT. It's so frustrating. It hurts me as I know it hurts you.

I still haven't summoned up the courage to watch it.

Jesus Save me from your Followers.

Eric said...

Perhaps the most disturbing movie I have ever seen...

Jolene said...

I remember us having a conversation about this movie back in library school, now you understand why it frightened me so much....told you so :P
Hope all is well out west!

Jolene said...

It was actually the radio host in the movie that made me think of you....the voice of reason amongst the madness.

The Renegade Librarian said...

Yeah, Jolene, you totally didn't have to "told me so" me because I 100% agreed with you even back then and I do even more so now!

I hope that I was/am a voice of reason because I can't relate to that brand of faith AT ALL. It's completely foreign to me.

Nice to hear from you! I'm well and just scored a huge new job, so I'm pretty happy! Hope you're well too!