Sunday, May 03, 2009

What am I known for?

How/what I project to others has been on my mind a lot lately because someone made a comment along the lines of "you're very much known for the things you dislike, believe me!" That brought me up short and has made me consider that I should be more positive than I often am; it might be time to bury some of my strong opinions in the interest of not coming across like a total jerk...


michael said...

I would say you are known for a few things: Laughter, good conversation and opinions ... not to mention having the second coolest wife around.

Some might describe the last as being known for what you dislike (The Beacon HILL Drive-In); however I would argue that you are more known and vociferous about your likes than dislikes. For instance a rant about the evils of Nickleback will peter out after 7-10 minutes while you can extol the virtues of U2, Pearl Jam, The Stones, etc for HOURS.

colin said...

As a member of the "Old Before Your Time Club", I always enjoy a good snark :).

Peter Tyrrell said...

I like your dislikes - don't be hard on yourself.