Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Prince Crap-spian

I won't even bother with a full review of the movie because my post title says it all. My main issues with the second Narnia movie? Caspian's "Spanish" accent (courtesy of Ben Barnes--that does not sound like a Spanish name to me!) was like that of Jack Black in Nacho Libre (much to my and Caitlin's delight--we made fun of it the whole time as we LOVE Nacho), the story bore little resemblance to Lewis' original--far too many liberties taken, and the love story that they decided to throw in there between Caspian and Susan was an ATROCITY! Also, some of the dialogue was just garbage.

As a film, it was good eye candy and the costumes were cool, but as I have already said numerous times, Lewis is probably rolling in his grave right now at how these Hollywood morons ruined one of his finest works (not that I am surprised). Hollywood sucks.


Court said...

100% agree with your (partial) review. There were lots of things in the movie I didn't remember from the book. Also it felt like it was trying to be too Lord of the Rings-esque but at the same time kid-friendly.

Ryan (Courtney's husband)

Rachel said...


Prince Caspian made me think of Nacho Libre EVERY time he spoke. oh. my. goodness.

Please tell me you noticed the bear at the end that spoke like he was special needs?