Monday, March 31, 2008

my apologies

I just wanted to inform my seven loyal readers that blog posts over the next couple weeks will be sporadic until we get the internet hooked up at our new place. I promise to post anything really newsworthy. Caitlin and I are enjoying our place so far and we have actually plowed through a lot of unpacking in a short period of time. I will be actually be doing some (non-librarian) contract work over the next while until thing are worked out with the public library, which is in negotiations right now. Watch this space...


Anonymous said...

We Want Bing Back!
We Want Bing Back!

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy, just thought I would let you in on the new purchase of a Mac. I have joined the new revolution of mac users. Can you email me so I have your email.... and anybody else that reads this, Back to downloading itunes.

Anonymous said...

You have more than 7 loyal readers, buddy.
