Friday, January 04, 2008

A (very brief) look back at 2007 (so as not to be too boring for my first post back in a long time!)

The year 2007 has been one of the best of my life, especially considering the fact that 2005 and 2006 were two of the hardest. This year has brought fun, adventure, accomplishment, and a great deal of growth and learning.

When Caitlin and I got married in August 2006 and moved to London, Ontario, I don’t think we knew quite what we had gotten into. We figured that we would go there, I would get school done, and then we would pull up stakes and leave. Based on outward appearance you could say that that was exactly what happened, but that could not be farther from the truth. We ended up becoming so very settled in London and we made far more close friends than I ever imagined we would. When we did leave, it was far more difficult than we made it appear and we miss our friends very much still…

For me, personally, this year has been an amazing adventure. I feel a real sense of accomplishment with having completed my Masters degree and I feel blessed that I was able to backpack Europe with my wife, having experiences that some people only dream of. Traveling really teaches you a lot about yourself and your place in the world and one of the most important things it taught me was how fortunate I am to be Canadian and, in particular, how fortunate I am to be from Vancouver Island because it is truly one of the most beautiful spots in the world!

Now, it is time to be responsible and do the “adult thing”, which is find a job in my chosen field, buy a house, and have children sometime in the future (by future I mean 3 or 4 years, so don’t get your hopes up that this is going to happen right away). It is going to be great to do this in Victoria (hopefully) near both family and friends. Here’s hoping that 2008 is as rewarding and productive as was 2007.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Yay for new posts!

I'm glad you graced Ontario, even if it was brief. :)