Tuesday, October 16, 2007

another installment of like/don't like--European edition (thus far)

Things I like about Europe:

1. train travel

2. food

3. the architecture

4. the history

5. German hostels

6. the Rhine River

7. the Euro

8. European chocolate milk

9. the Dom (cathedral) in Cologne

10. cobblestones

Things I don't like about Europe:

1. the cost of EVERYTHING

2. having to pay to use public toilets

3. the service in restaurants (tends to be horrible)

4. late or delayed trains

5. being cat-called in a foreign language

6. the lack of benches in public places and train stations

7. the dirtiness of Amsterdam

8. being called American

9. the blank stare when you attempt to say something in the native tongue

10. the lack of shower curtains


Anonymous said...

Dude I remember that from when I went to the Netherlands, paying for public toilets is the most annoying thing in the world.

Anonymous said...

Um... you don't like being cat-called by foreigners?? What kind of guy are you? I love being cat-called in any form, language, or action. Call away ladies!!