Friday, December 22, 2006

the rout

I went over to my great aunt's place yesterday afternoon to visit and play some cribbage, my favourite card game. Now, I wish I hadn't bothered--she smoked me in four straight games and it was a bit of an embarrassment. I consider myself an above-average cribbage player, but I was definitely missing my favourite whipping boy, Mikey, whom I used to beat on a regular basis (contrary to what I guarantee he will comment when he reads this). Aunt Verna was killing me! I tried everything, but she seemed to have an answer for every play I made. In the last game I finally, for all intensive purposes, gave up because I obviously couldn't compete. It seems like the moment cribbage players hit the age of 60, they are unbeatable. My Nana and Papa CANNOT be beaten, unless you drug them or otherwise impair them. It is impossible to win a game against either one of them. Hopefully I, too, will inherit the post-60 crib genius and be as unbeatable as my relatives! I have a dream...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See, what everyone doesn't know is that you didn't really move out to Ontario to go to school, but to stop diluting yourself that you can even win at the game when you play with me. For someone that has a great memory of trivia pursuit facts, and wierd pieces of knowledge from who the hell knows where, you sure have let your mind slip as to how many times I beat you before you left, oh wait not only beat, but skunked. I guess maybe I am older then 27 mentally.