Friday, April 23, 2010

an open letter to a very special patron

Dear Very Special Patron,

I have some issues with your conduct in the library. I can deal with the fact that you smell quite 'earthy' and that I initially had a difficult time figuring out if you were a man or a woman--I'm okay with that. However, the fact that you fully body-checked another patron to get to an open computer and then proceeded to fart loudly and repeatedly for the next hour or so...well, that's not on. Your blatant disregard for everyone else coupled with your loud and obnoxious voice are like sandpaper on my arse and, trust me, as a result I'm feeling a little chapped! So, if you learn to play nice, control your abundant flatulence, and employ very liberal use of the Golden Rule, it will certainly go a long way to mending the patron-librarian relationship that you have established with myself and my staff/colleagues as well as ameliorating the conflict(s) you've had with your fellow library users.


The Renegade Librarian


Corinne said...

i'm sorry. i'm working on it. i'll try to control myself better in the future.

The Renegade Librarian said...

You'd better... ;)

LJ said...

Oh sure .... you can write the big write, but can you talk the big talk?

Aren't there certain situations when it might be useful to actually speak to certain patrons? Or is it just our Canadian way to avoid conflict even in the face of bad smells. Or is it specifically because of the bad smells we avoid conflict???

The Renegade Librarian said...

Oh trust me, LJ, I've definitely confronted many-a-patron about smells, language, surfing porn, and the whole bit. I am ABSOLUTELY no stranger to confrontation.

LJ said...

Oh You Renegade!!!