Thursday, December 03, 2009

Oh, the humanity (or why I like to ride the bus)

Now that we are a one-vehicle family (in order to classify us us as a family I am including our cat Neko as a quasi-child, though she does not possess a valid British Columbia driver's license and thus is unable to operate a motor vehicle), I take the bus to and from work each day so that Caitlin can use the van if necessary. This has afforded me the opportunity to eavesdrop on/watch other passengers and my amazement at the cross-section of people I have run encountered has not ceased. If you want to observe brokenness, pathos, kindness, grace, love, and humour in the course of 15 minutes, ride the bus for a little while--it's a little snapshot of humanity at its best and worst. From watching reunions of long-lost friends to the ever-present screaming toddler to people swearing profusely at the bus driver for (rightly) ejecting them from the bus, there is something for everyone who likes to people-watch. I have also had to deal with some pretty funky smells whilst on the bus, but that is another story altogether...

Exhibit A: The screaming toddler

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I actually rather enjoy taking the bus, regardless of the economic and environmental benefits; given the choice, I would not go back to fighting traffic in my car every day. The daily bus ride has actually increased my compassion and empathy for people rather than hardening me, as my job so often does. Granted, hearing Tammy loudly recall over the phone to Jenna about who was at the party last night and why she hates her mother so much is not my idea of a great time, however, the bus has been a humbling experience for me. And as much as I may loathe being humbled sometimes, it's a necessary aspect of helping to transform me into the person God wants me to be. I'm all for that.


Unknown said...

Thank goodness for earbuds and an Ipod!

Eric said...

Oh yeah, and I am often the one with the screaming toddler that everyone stares at.... that is less fun.

Eric said...

Seriously, riding the transit in a major city like Toronto is like watching TV and the show is a mix between Cops, The Office, and some odd foreign soap opera. I quite enjoy my daily watching...