Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"rolling along with the grace from the Lord above..."

I figured I should post something since I haven't really been blogging much lately, the reason being that I have been pretty busy and there has been little for me to actually write about. I am in a very enjoyable season of life right now. I love my new job, I am learning a lot about life and faith, my friendships just get better, and I love where I live. I was just saying the other day that, though it's weird to be almost 30 (where did the time go?), you couldn't pay me enough money to go back to my teens or early/mid 20's! Life now is so much fuller and richer than it was then, plus I feel like I am becoming the person I am meant to be now and I surely wasn't then.

Slowly, ever so painfully slowly, I am calming down and getting my frustrations and anger under control, which will be a constant struggle for me for the remainder of my life, I would imagine. The whole idea of not "sweating the small stuff" is hugely difficult for me because I am high-strung and highly meticulous, trying to make sure that every possible angle is covered with 2640 contingency plans in place to deal with every situation. Getting out of that mentality is not easy and I doubt I will ever shed it completely, but I'm working on it...

That's about it for my not-so-exciting life right now!

P.S. Can anyone name the song and artist from which the title of this post originates? I'll give you a prize if you can...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Heartbreaker" - Led Zeppelin

I rock.