Wednesday, January 23, 2008

the struggle

Jimmy the K, that persuasive son of a gun, has been working on me for awhile to convert to Gmail and I finally caved and opened an account, purely for the chat function (which is excellent, I must admit) and now he and his Gmail posse want me to convert completely and leave Yahoo behind.  I am torn.  I think I can have my finger in both pies.  Besides, I have so many things linked to my Yahoo account that I don't want to bother having to go through it all and changing over.  What would you do?


Anonymous said...

Well, I have shawmail, gmail, yahoo and hotmail. I use different mail for different things. Like my ebay account is linked to Yahoo cause I don't want to get updates in my shawmail all the time. My hotmail is just for when I want to sign up to something on the internet but don't necessarily want to read it all the time or get junk! Keep them both!


Peter Tyrrell said...

I have heard that a man cannot serve two masters, but that is, in fact, utter bull.

Gmail is amazing, and I love it. I also have a Yahoo account, though I don't use it for email. You can google for ways to switch from Yahoo to gmail.


Jess said...

The fact that this has caused a great conundrum in your life troubles me. Clearly you need bigger things to worry about. I have too many email accounts, and I can keep em straight (7, I think).

Emily Gusba said...

Duuuuuude, I love the new design!

Anonymous said...

yahoo all the way.
