Friday, January 04, 2008

good things

Things that are making me happy right now:

1. Radiohead's new album In Rainbows, which is bound to be one of the best albums of the year.

2. My car. I am so fortunate to have received a really nice car for free upon returning to Victoria. To answer your question, yes, I am incredibly spoiled.

3. Seeing my family and friends on a regular basis. You never realize what you have until you leave them for Ontario and then backpacking in Europe.

4. Captain Crunch (or as Caitlin calls it, by its French name, Capitaine Crounche) without milk. Such a sweet and delectable snack--very satisfying. However, I am only eating it because I am with the Rentons it will never make any appearances in my own home because I would prefer that my children not be diabetic.

5. The Office. Considering that I have not had cable for 6 years and don't even own a TV, I am completely out of the loop. I was introduced to this series a few days ago and it is about the funniest thing I have ever seen.

And, of course, few things make me happier than this.


Michelle said...

Welcome to the office's truly brilliant television.

Anonymous said...

this should make you happier: