Monday, July 02, 2007

Yer man tackles Reading Break

The inventors of Reading Break should congratulate themselves through a self-administered pat on the back and a cold brewsky because post-secondary students everywhere are thanking them for their foresight and compassion. I, myself, am happy to not have classes until July 9 because I could use the time to both get ahead in some classes, catch up in others, rest some more (put in 4 hours of solid napping yesterday afternoon because I was such a sickly mess!), and spend some time working on extracurricular activities, including a proposal to present at next year's Canadian Library Association conference (in Vancouver!!) with my dear friend, the Ontarian Librarian. I will also be attending the wedding of some very dear friends. These things would not be happening were it not for Reading Break, other than the wedding, which I believe would go ahead Reading Break or not!

In other news, I will be returning to the mountains and ocean breezes of my homeland in six weeks and I could not be more excited about it. I will also be a full-fledged librarian by then and it will be a relief to have no assignments. However, I am not overly stoked to "leave the womb" and have to actually get a real job. Job hunting is the most painful experience ever--I know that I will hate it immensely and there will be no end to the anxiety it causes me. I'm trying not to think about it too much...

Reading: Bob Dylan's Chronicles Volume I

Listening to: Final Straw by Snow Patrol, Kathleen Edwards, Matt Mays' When the Angels Make Contact, Ryan Adams' Gold, and Pete Yorn.

1 comment:

Nolana said...

Hey, you are almost finished. Enjoy your reading break!