Monday, June 25, 2007

presentation time

Tomorrow morning, I have a presentation to give with a group. Now, I have given a number of presentations in my program and I hate it every time. However, this presentation is for a class on proper presentation and instructional strategies. So, not only am I presenting (which I hate), but I am being marked on how I present. This will be even worse in July when it is an individual presentation and I will not have the support of my peeps, plus I will be being marked on my presentation style and content. People find it remarkable that I hate public speaking so much because I am thought of as such an outgoing person. The thing is, I hate being looked at as the authority on a subject because I will feel so dumb if I say/do something wrong. I find it much easier to be in front of people cracking a few jokes and acting like an idiot--that's pretty much just an extension of my personality and thus not a real stretch for me! Oh well, the semester is hurtling to a close and the week after this is reading break (thank heavens!). I'll send out an update soon to let y'all know how I am functioning. Hopefully this "tied up in knots" feeling will pass quickly because I am sick of being constantly on edge! AAAHHHH!!!


Andrew said...

All you need to do is bring out King Bing. He loves public speaches.

Nolana said...

I vaguely remember you talking about a trick you had that help you do well on tests and such things...

I am sure you will do well!

Anonymous said...

how'd it go???