Monday, March 13, 2006

future generations of The Bing Dynasty

Yesterday afternoon, I was out for a walk with my fiancee, Caitlin, and we got onto the subject of children, what sort of education we would want for them, activities, etc. We both expressed a fear of bringing children into this world because of how completely and utterly screwed up it is. I myself find the world a frightening place and so I wondered how I, in good conscience, could bring an innocent child into it. I work with children and see how quickly they grow up, the violence and mature subject matter to which they are exposed, and the negative effects of technology (i.e. computers, video games, and cell phones specifically) on their literacy and learning. It is very disturbing because I am faced with this on a daily basis. Caitlin and I said that we didn't want to raise our children in a large urban area and would prefer to be in a small town, near nature, where there is a chance of keeping them sheltered, at least for a little while. I can now see why my mom was so protective of Laura and myself. I don't have any answers to all this because I am yet to even be married (5 more months!), but it occupies my thoughts fairly often because I am scared for the world that my chilren will inherit. Do I sound morbid, paranoid, or fanatic? I don't mean to. It's just scary, that's all...


Unknown said...

These are all legitimate concerns.

However, it's also good to remember that at most stages of human history potential parents had very good reason to ask themselves the same question. Probably more reason.

Anonymous said...

thinking about that myself these days. and, can't help but feel excited. amidst the pain, sin, and death we have hope! therein lies the excitement: bringing people into the world that have the opportunity to work out Christ's redemption on this planet (not just the netherworld eternity) and participate in God's plan for the renewal of entire creation - daunting, yet exciting.


Mama K said...

imagine being pregnant during the black plague of Europe....
imagine being newlyweds in London while bombs were dropping...
imagine planning to make children days before the white man showed up in your village....
imagine trying to teach your children right from wrong as your town is being pillaged and your neighbor is being raped....

since the fall of man it has never been a "right time" to start a family...
sheltering your kids does them a disservice...
love, good teaching, truth, honesty, consequence, discipline, exposing the world's lies and MODELLING right behavior are always the best thing for children no matter what century you live in.

NO matter what your child is exposed to, it does not need to have power over them as long as you are ackowledging it and exposing the truth....
communication, it's the key to all healthy relationships.