Friday, February 03, 2006

My birthday

Today I turn 27. I don't enjoy birthdays like I once did because these days they remind me of my life's failings and shortcomings rather than making me want to invite all my friends for a movie and sleepover. I am also now DEFINITELY closer to 30 than 20 and that is sketchy, to say the least! At least this birthday I feel like my life is heading somewhere and I have an idea of what I want for my career. Plus, I am engaged to a wonderful woman who loves me and can't wait to marry me. Twenty-six saw me spiral into a scary, deep depression where God and my family had to intervene in order to save me because I didn't want to get up in the morning and thought about death a lot. Though I still don't like my job (one of the major causes of my depression last year), because I have a plan it is more bearable as I count down the next 5 months. I just remind myself I am there because the $$ is good (compared to what others I know in Victoria are making) and I am setting myself up for my Masters degree. Life changes so much AND doesn't change a lick at the same time! Anyway sorry for the verbal diarrhea ranty business there! Happy birthday to me...


Anonymous said...

:Matthew Paul Bingham :Esquire:

A very happy birthday to you my friend

And I'm sure George from the Snug would wish you the same!


Anonymous said...

You're on the up and UP my friend! Happy Birthday, and see you in 5 months! That's WICKED by the way! I'll have a slumber party for ya when you get here. Deal? Yeah, Caitlin can come...