Wednesday, January 18, 2006

REVIEW: Bono-- In the Name of Love

Well, Eamon Dunphy finally has some company in the worst U2-related book ever written compliments of Mick Wall. This book "Bono-In the Name of Love" (an unauthorized biography) rivals Dunphy's "Unforgettable Fire" in that it is so filled with errors that I was laughing out loud to my fiancee as I pointed them out. Any self-respecting U2 fan would be all over this biography of our beloved rock and roll pontiff. It essentially gives a factually errant chronology of Bono's life as well as re-telling in scant detail the history of U2. The writing is poor and choppy, reminiscent of a cut and paste job. The book reveals no new or even interesting insights into Bono's life and we learn virtually nothing about who he is as a person. I could have done a better job of investigating the enigma and personality that is Bono than Mick Wall's hack attempt. Rather than recount the errors for you, if you are a U2 fan you should read the book for yourself as an exercise in comedy and pick out the errors ala "Where's Waldo". It will be fun! Grade: C-.

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