Tuesday, July 04, 2006

the joys of grocery shopping

I just made a little trip to Country Grocer to do some shopping and I must say that I thoroughly, THOROUGHLY enjoyed it. Sharing a food bill with the boys for the last 3 years meant that I didn't get to have as much say over the items purchased as I would have liked. Eventually, I surrendered my will and effectively gave up. But today, I got to buy what I wanted and my cart looked great. An abundance of fruits and veggies, no Kraft Dinner, no 3000 different types of crackers because they were "on sale" (classic excuse for overbuying), and no Dad's Cookies (might as well eat sawdust!). I found the whole thing very relaxing and therapeutic as I leisurely strolled through the aisles with my list. I didn't purchase anything particularly unhealthy and I am feeling like I am back on the path to getting my fitness back. The bike is ready to hit the road and now I have the healthy food to back it up. I think I will volunteer to do the grocery shopping after Caitlin and I get married...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha yeah I kinda got sick of french toast dinners... hmmm I wonder who made those...lol